1リットルは何グラム 1分でわかる重さ 水 牛乳 小麦粉は何グラム 1000グラムは何リットル liter (litre) Convert liters and milliliters to other current units of volume In SI, a special name for the cubic decimeter, and thus a unit of capacitySymbol, l, and in the United States, L (which was approved as an alternative symbol by the CGPM in 1979, Resolution 6)One milliliter equals a cubic centimeter;The Lagonda 3Litre is an automobile which was produced by Aston Martin Lagonda from 1953 until 1958 It was the second Lagonda model of the David Brown/Aston Martin era The 3Litre was fitted with a higher displacement 29 L 140 bhp version of the twin overhead camshaft Lagonda Straight6 engine designed by Walter Owen Bentley Like its predecessor, the 3Litre was available as a 4 りっとる